Appliances Troubleshooting Mobile App Based on AI

An AI-based home appliance troubleshooting app with a sustainable approach to appliance maintenance



Mahdi Saatimohtadi
Founder & General Manager

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Consumers often face challenges when dealing with malfunctioning household appliances. While repairs can extend the lifespan of these appliances and save money, many individuals lack the necessary knowledge and skills to perform repairs themselves. This often leads to unnecessary expenses, increased electronic waste, and inconvenience.

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The global shift toward sustainability has raised awareness about the environmental impact of consumer choices. Many consumers express a desire to make eco-friendly choices, but the lack of accessible repair solutions can hinder these intentions.

The global consumer electronics repair and maintenance market is anticipated to witness steady growth. It is projected that the industry's revenue will reach $6.3 billion in 2023, with an estimated increase of 0.5%. Furthermore, a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.3% is forecasted for the next five years, leading to an estimated revenue of $7.0 billion by 2028.


High Repair Costs

The average cost of repairing a home appliance ranges from $50 to $350, while repairs for high-end appliances could exceed $500.

Lack of Knowledge

61% of consumers lack the necessary skills and knowledge to fix household appliances on their own. 29% of consumers felt confident in their ability to repair appliances themselves.


Environmental Impact

50 million tons of electronic waste (e-waste) annually. This waste includes discarded appliances that could potentially be repaired or refurbished.

Convenience and Time

57% of respondents experienced difficulties in finding a suitable time for repair appointments 42% of respondents stated that they had to wait more than two weeks for their appliance repairs. elves.


Solution / Innovation

We introduce a groundbreaking solution in the form of an AI-powered home appliance troubleshooting mobile application. Users are systematically guided through troubleshooting procedures, aided by interactive visual aids for a seamless experience. Our user-friendly app, accessible on phones and tablets, harnesses cutting-edge technologies to provide exceptional capabilities.

Advanced Integration

Utilizes AI, machine learning, and NLP to comprehensively understand user inquiries and issues.

Circular Economy Impact

Empowers users to extend appliance lifespans and make eco-conscious choices, contributing to a sustainable circular economy.

Step-by-Step Guidance

Interactive walkthroughs with visual aids for hassle-free appliance repairs.

Appliance Set-Up Support

Ensures proper appliance setup and installation through guided assistance.

Predictive Analytics & Maintenance

Proactively alerts users about potential appliance issues, offering predictive analytics and maintenance support.

Troubleshooting Assistance

Helps users diagnose and troubleshoot appliance problems with interactive visual aids.

Personalized Recommendations

Tailored solutions and insights for optimal appliance functioning.



Intelligent fault detection

he application can detect the signs and symptoms of the fault and provide appropriate solutions using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

Interactive guides

he application can provide interactive guides and training videos that help users in the repair and troubleshooting process

Anticipate future problems

By analyzing usage data, the application can predict potential problems in the future and warn the user.

Multilingual support

For more user access, the application can support multiple languages.

Ability to offer repair services

Users can directly contact repair technicians or request repair services after troubleshooting.


Offers an AI-driven platform for diagnosing and fixing appliance issues.

Competitive Advantage

Our competitive advantage stems from our pioneering integration of advanced technologies and user-centric features within our smart home appliance troubleshooting app.

By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Augmented Reality (AR), we offer a comprehensive and interactive solution for diagnosing and repairing household appliances.

Our unique blend of convenience, accuracy, and proactive support positions us as a leader in the industry.

By offering a holistic and efficient approach to appliance repair and maintenance, we empower users to extend the lifespan of their appliances, contributing to a sustainable circular economy while surpassing traditional repair services.


Target Market

Our target market encompasses both homeowners and renters who utilize a wide range of household appliances, spanning from small electronics to larger appliances.

This application is tailored to individuals predominantly within the age bracket of 25 to 54, as well as middle to upper-middle-income households.
